Duet Alain Trevarin / Didier Squiban


Alain and I met at the sausage fair in Plestin Les Grèves 25 years ago during a concert with the bard Manu Lann Huel, Kkristen Nogues, Jacques Pellen… Since then, we have got up to some mischief. I will tell you later…
You will find below a classic, recorded at FR3 Bretagne in 1992 for the presentation of our first CD “La valse des orvilliers”

We do it again with “Cordes & Lames” 20 years later. This is called consistency. This second album is the sign of maturity.

Didier Squiban & Alain Trévarin – Sonate 3ème mouvement, extrait de l’album « Cordes et lames » :


Click here to order it (PDF)

Some scores are available from now on. Click here

> All the musical formulas